31.03./01.04.2016 acib Workshop on Analytical Chemistry 2016, Vienna, invited by Assoc. Prof. Stephan Hann
Astrid Slany, Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Rupert L. Mayer, Besnik Muqaku, Christopher Gerner “Contribution of human fibroblasts and endothelial cells to the Hallmarks of Inflammation as determined by proteome profiling”
07./08.03.2016 1st International Meeting on Reprogramming Cancer Cells via Anakoinosis as a Novel Anticancer Approach: Facts, Expectations and Open Questions, Rome, Italy
Christopher Gerner “Tumor-stroma interactions investigated by proteomics and metabolomics”
23./24.02.2016 27th MassSpec Forum Vienna 2016, Vienna
Ammar Tahir: “Implementation of an orbitrap based eicosanoids analysis platform for the identification of cell type specific inflammation signature”
Astrid Slany, Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Rupert L. Mayer, Besnik Muqaku, Christopher Gerner: “Contribution of human fibroblasts and endothelial cells to the Hallmarks of Inflammation as determined by proteome profiling”
Besnik Muqaku, Martin Eisinger, Samuel Meier, Astrid Slany, Albrecht Reichle, Christopher Gerner: “Systemic rather than tumor specific energy expenditure processes are responsible for human melanoma-associated cachexia”
09./10.02.2016 33. Forum Analytik, Vienna
Denise Wolrab, Peter Frühauf, Christopher Gerner: “Die Trennnung von polaren Analyten mittels SFC – Evaluierung von stationären Phasen, Modifier und Additiven”
Christopher Gerner, Besnik Muqaku, Andrea Bileck: “Modulation von Entzündungsprozessen durch Kaffeekonsum: Erfassung individualisierter Zytokin- und Eicosanoid-Signaturen mittels gezielter massenspektrometrischer Analysen”
20.11.2015 Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Leoben, Austria, seminar lecture invited by Prof. Wolfhard Wegscheider
Christopher Gerner: “Can we improve the accuracy of measurements of small molecules in biological samples using multi-omics approaches?”
17.11.2015 Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien – State of the Art: Proteomics und ihre Bedeutung für die Klinik, Wien, eingeladen von der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien
Astrid Slany: “New insights into tumor biology and drug effects in multiple myeloma obtained by proteome profiling”
Rupert Mayer: “Ultra-Deep mass spectrometry-based proteomics enables new insights into chronic lymphocytic leukemia”
26./27.10.2015 1st International Course Workshop “Biomolecular Recognition and Mass Spectrometry” BRMS-1 2015, Rüsselsheim, Germany
Christopher Gerner: “Assessment of the efficiency of antibody-based protein depletion for serum proteome profiling for the investigation of cancer-associated cachexia”
30.9.2015 University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, seminar lecture invited by Prof. Albrecht Reichle
Christopher Gerner: “Proteome analyses of serum of patients with metastatic melanoma”
21.-24.9.2015 16th Austrian Chemistry Days, Joint Meeting of the Italian & Austrian Chemical Societies, Innsbruck, Austria
Dominique Kreutz, Andrea Bileck, Samuel M. Meier, Bernhard Keppler, Christopher Gerner: “Investigation of novel metal-based anticancer drug candidates’ mechanisms of action by in-depth proteome profiling”
26.-28.8.2015 13th Austrian Proteomic Research Symposium and Late Summer Meeting 2015, APRS2015, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Dominique Kreutz, Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Walter Jäger, Christopher Gerner: “Proteome profiling for evaluation of drug effects – a pilot study using a resveratrol derivative”
20./22.7.2015 British Society for Proteome Research 2015 Meeting, United Kingdom, Reading 2015
Christopher Gerner, Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Besnik Muqaku, Rupert Mayer, Astrid Slany: “Proteome signatures of inflammatory primary human mesenchymal cells”
Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Dominique Kreutz, Christopher Gerner: “Evaluation of signalling pathways in primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by in-depth proteome profiling”
12./13.6.2015 11th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum, Innsbruck 2015
Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Astrid Slany, Christopher Gerner: “Comprehensive LC-MS/MS analyses enables assessment of signalling pathways in human blood cells”
Dominique Kreutz, Andrea Bileck, Walter Jäger, Christopher Gerner: “Assessment of drug induced proteome alterations exemplified on four breast cancer cell lines treated with the resveratrol derivative 3,3’,4,4’,5,5’-hexahydroxystilbene”
Rupert Mayer, Samuel Meier, Clemens Langbauer, Christopher Gerner: “Reproducible Quantification of Metabolites from Fingertips via Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry”
17./18.04.2015 23. Jahrestagung der Biomedizinischen AnalytikerInnen, Graz
Andrea Bileck: “Proteom-Analysen zeigen unerwartete Effekte von Dexamethason in primären humanen mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes”
17./18.02.2015 26th Mass Spectrometric Discussion-Meeting MassSpec-Forum-Vienna 2015, Vienna
Ammar Tahir, Astrid Slany, Christopher Gerner: “Development of an automated search engine for the LC/MS profiling of eicosanoids”
15.1.2015 University of Vienna, Department of Analytical Chemistry, seminar lecture invited by Prof. Gunda Köllensperger
Astrid Slany: “Proteomics in cancer research”
20.11.2014 University of Vienna, Department of Analytical Chemistry, seminar lecture invited by Prof. Gunda Köllensperger
Samuel Meier: “Mass spectrometry based assays in preclinical metallodrug research”
23./24.09.2014 12th Austrian Proteomic Research Symposium APRS 2014, Salzburg
Besnik Muqaku, Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Rupert Mayer, Astrid Slany, Christopher Gerner: "MRM-based quantitative secretome analysis of inflammatory activated primary human cells"
Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Michael Groessl, Dominique Kreutz, Kerstin Gloessmann, Georg Pfeiler and Christopher Gerner: "Proteome profiling of breast cancer biopsies reveals a wound healing signature of cancer-associated fibroblast"
Christopher Gerner, Tamara Weiss, Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Dominique Kreutz, Sabine Taschner-Mandl, Ingeborg M. Ambros, and Peter F. Ambros: "Schwannomics: Profiling Schwann cells as potential prototype for tumor-inhibiting stromal cell"
17.09.2014 30th International Symposium on Chromatography ISC 2014, Salzburg
Christopher Gerner, Besnik Muqaku, Andrea Bileck, Ammar Tahir, Dominique Kreutz, Rupert Mayer, Astrid Slany: "Cell type-specific secretome profiles obtained from inflammatory stimulated primary human cells can be used for drug evaluation"
05.09.2014 The 1st Annual MSACL EU Conference MSACL 2014 EU, Salzburg
Christopher Gerner, Besnik Muqaku, Andrea Bileck, Dominique Kreutz, Rupert Mayer, Astrid Slany: "Inflammatory cytokine and chemokine profiles of primary human cells determined with Chip-HPLC – triple quadrupole mass spectrometry"
02.07.2014 Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference (CEEPC)
Astrid Slany: “Comparative proteome profiling and targeted proteomics-based drug evaluation”
29.04.2014 1st Vienna Metabolism Club
Gunda Köllensperger, Christopher Gerner: “The Mass Spectrometry Center: A Multi-Purpose Service Center, Integrating Proteomics and Metabolomics for Biomedical Research”
02.04.2014 St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung, Wien
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Peter Ambros
Tamara Weiss, Christopher Gerner: „Schwann cells: shedding new light on old players in tumor biology”
19.02.2014 MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2014
Astrid Slany, Samuel Meier, Christopher Gerner: „HRMS and MRM based quantitative secretome analysis – a key for assessing cell functions and drug effects”
05.02.2014, Regensburg, Deutschland
Klinikum der Universität Regensburg Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Albrecht Reichle
Christopher Gerner: „Evaluation of tumor-suppressive and tumor-promoting stroma cell activities by proteome profiling focussing on secretome analyses“
5.12.2013, Wien Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Robin Golser
Christopher Gerner: „Comprehension of complex biological processes by analytical methods: how far can we go using mass spectrometry?”
27.11.2013 4. Landsteiner-Tag, Wien
Christopher Gerner: „Erhöhtes Krebsrisiko im Alter durch chronisch entzündlich stimulierte Bindegewebszellen“
27.11.2013, Regensburg
Institut für Funktionelle Genomik, Universität Regensburg
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr.Peter Öfner
Christopher Gerner: „Recognizing inflammatory activities in human serum and tissue samples by proteome profiling and their relevance for the corresponding pathologies"
19.11.2013 Institut für Medizinische Genetik
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger
Christopher Gerner: "Testing drug effects by secretome profiling with the aim to interfere with stroma-derived tumor promotion"
03.10.2013 Department für Pharmakognosie
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Liselotte Krenn
Christopher Gerner: "Proteome profiling of inflammatory processes and the effects of antiphlogistic drugs on leukocytes and stroma cells"
04.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Rupert Mayer, Besnik Muqaku, Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Michael Groessl, Christopher Gerner: “Proteome profiling of primary human cells: how comprehensive are we?”
03.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Astrid Slany, Andrea Bileck, Hermine Agis, and Christopher Gerner: “Characterization of the tumor-promoting effect of stromal cells in multiple myeloma by proteome profiling”
03.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Christopher Gerner, Ammar Tahir, Andrea Bileck, Michael Groessl, Astrid Slany: “Investigation of drug effects by the combination of proteomics and lipidomics”
02.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Hermine Agis, and Christopher Gerner: “Proteome profiling of primary human multiple myeloma cells in comparison to the established multiple myeloma cell line RPMI-8226”
02.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Domique Kreutz, Andrea Bileck, Astrid Slany, Christopher Gerner:”Assessment of drug effects exemplified by activated PBMCs treated with Aspirin and Dexamethasone, respectively."
02.09.2013 1st international Symposium on Profiling Lisbon, Portugal
Besnik Muqaku, Rupert Mayer, Astrid Slany and Christopher Gerner: “Quantitative proteomics of the chemokine IL-8 applying orbitrap and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry”
01.08.2013 Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand
Seminar invited by Prof. Dr. Vipavee Anupunpisit
Christopher Gerner: „In depth proteomics profiling of inflammatory activated human cells”
02.08.2013 Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Seminar invited by Prof. Dr. Supa Hanongbua
Christopher Gerner: “Understanding tumour-stroma interactions by the systematic proteome profiling of primary human cells”
26.06.2013, Wien Mass Spectrometry
Seminar Tour von ThermoFisher
Christopher Gerner: „In depth proteome profiling and label-free quantification of inflammatory mediators in selected human disease model systems”
16.05.2013, Zürich
Agilent Metabolomics-Tour
Christopher Gerner: „Nano-(CHIP-)LC-MS/MS applications for lipidomics and proteomics"
15.05.2013, München
Agilent Metabolomics-Tour
Christopher Gerner: „In depth profiling of inflammatory processes by the combination of lipidomics and proteomics“
14.05.2013, Wien
Agilent Metabolomics-Tour
Christopher Gerner: „ Proteomics and lipidomics profiling of inflammatory activated human cells: Investigation of drug effects from a new perspective “
08.03.2013, Technische Universität Wien
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Günter Allmaier
Christopher Gerner: „Comprehensive proteomics profiling combined with targeted proteomics: new avenues for biomarker discovery”
19.02.2013 MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2013
Christopher Gerner: „How can we make proteome analysis data more reliable?”
13.02.2013 Forum Analytik, Agilent, Wien
"QQQ-basierende Quantifizierung von Biomarker-Kandidaten aus Blutserum: "Wie nahe sind wir jetzt an der klinischen Einsetzbarkeit?"
09.11.2012 4. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Laboratoriumsmedizin und Klinische Chemie ÖGLMKC Salzburg, Österreich
Christopher Gerner: „Systematische Sekretomanalysen zur Charakterisierung neuer Tumormarker“
25.09.2012 APRS Austrian Proteomics Research Symposium Graz
Andrea Bileck:”Characterization of tumor-stroma interactions by means of marker proteins in multiple myeloma”
26.04.2012 Institut für Analytische Chemie, Universität Wien
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lindner
Astrid Slany: “ECM remodeling by bone marrow fibroblasts characterized by mass spectrometry reflects the progression in multiple myeloma“
18.04.2012 Institut für Krebsforschung, Medizinische Universität Wien
Seminarvortrag eingeladen von Prof. Dr. Marian Brigitte
Besnik Muqaku, Christopher Gerner: „ Immunological and mass spectrometry based methods for the sensitive and accurate determination of selected interleukins and growth factors, including IL-6, IL-8 and CXCL3”
Universität Wien
Währinger Straße 38
A-1090 Wien
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