M. Rizwan Younis, S. Z. Bajwa, P. A. Lieberzeit, W. S. Khan, A. Mujahid, A. Ihsan, A. Rehman „Molecularly imprinted porous beads for selective removal of copper ions” J. Sep. Sci. (2016), accepted
S. Chunta, R. Suedee, P. A. Lieberzeit, „Low-Density Lipoprotein Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer” Anal. Chem. 88 (2016) 1419-1425,
W. Naklua, R. Suedee, P. A. Lieberzeit “Dopaminergic Receptor-Ligand Binding Assays based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers on Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors”, submitted
J. Wackerlig, P. A. Lieberzeit “Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles in chemical sensing - Synthesis, characterisation and application”, Sens. Actuators B 207 (2015) 144-157.
S. Z. Bajwa, P. A. Lieberzeit “Recognition principle of Cu2+ imprinted polymers Assessing interactions by combined spectroscopic and mass-sensitive measurements” Sens. Actuators B 207 (2015) 976-980.
P. A. Lieberzeit “Special issue on the 8th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting: MIP2014” (Editorial) Monatsh. Chem. 146 (2015) 421.
E. M. Ladenhauf, D. Pum, D. S. Wastl, J. L. Toca-Herreira, Nam V. H. Phan, P. A. Lieberzeit, U. B. Sleytr „S-layer based biomolecular imprinting” RSC Advances 5 (2015) 83558.
P. A. Lieberzeit “Special issue for the 2nd International Congress on Advanced Materials” (Editorial) Monatsh. Chem. 145 (2014) 1.
G. Mustafa, P. A. Lieberzeit „Molecularly imprinted polymer-Ag2S nanoparticle composites for sensing volatile organics” RSC Advances 4 (2014) 12723-12728.
P. Buchegger, P. Lieberzeit, C. Preininger “Thermo-nanoimprinted biomimetic probe for LPS and LTA immuno-sensing” Anal. Chem. 86 (2014) 1679-1686.
S. Z. Bajwa, R. Dumler, P. A. Lieberzeit „Molecularly imprinted polymers for conductance sensing of Cu2+ in aqueous solutions” Sens. Actuators B 192 (2014) 522-528.
T. Wangchareansak, A. Thitithanyanont, D. Chuakheaw, M. P. Gleeson, P. A. Lieberzeit, C. Sangma “A Novel Approach to Identify Molecular Binding to Influenza Virus N5N1: Screening using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)” Med. Chem. Comm. 5 (2014) 617-621.
R. Samardzic, H. Sussitz, N. Jongkon, P. A. Lieberzeit “QCM In-line sensing of Escherichia Coli in a Bioreactor using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers” Sens. Lett. 12 (2014) 1152-1155.
N. V. H. Phan, H. F. Sussitz, P. A. Lieberzeit “Polymerization Parameters Influencing the QCM Response Characteristics of BSA MIP”, Biosensors 4 (2014) 161-71
P. A. Lieberzeit, C. Jungmann, L. Schranzhofer „Molecular Imprinting on the Nanoscale – Rapid Detection of Ag Nanoparticles by QCM sensors”. Procedia Eng. 87 (2014) 236-239.
T. Wangchareansak, C. Sangma, P. Ngernmeesri, A. Thitithanyanont, P. A. Lieberzeit “Self-Assembled Glucosamine Monolayers as Biomimetic Receptors for detecting WGA Lectin and Influenza Virus with QCM” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405 (2013) 6471-6478.
K. Kotova, M. Hussain, G. Mustafa, P. A. Lieberzeit “MIP sensors on the way to biotech applications: Targeting Selectivity” Sens. Actuators B 189 (2013) 199-202.
T. Wangchareansak, A. Thitithanyanont, D. Chuakheaw, M. P. Gleeson, P. A. Lieberzeit, C. Sangma “Development and Application of a Molecular Imprinting Technique to Screen For Influenza-A Virus Sub-types” J. Mat. Chem. B 1 (2013) 2190-2197.
M. Hussain, S. Sinn, M. Zeilinger, H. Northoff, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. K. Gehring „Blood Coagulation Thromboplastine Time Measurements on a Nanoparticle Coated Quartz Crystal Microbalance Biosensor in Excellent Agreement with Standard Clinical Methods” J. Biosens. Bioelectron. 4:4 (2013).
M. Hussain, M. Zeilinger, H. Northoff, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. K. Gehring „Affinity based nanoparticles for quartz crystal microbalances sensors for thromboplastin time of human whole blood” J. Biosens. Bioelectron. 4:3 (2013).
M. Hussain, J. Wackerlig, P. A. Lieberzeit “Biomimetic Strategies for Sensing Biological Species” Biosensors 3 (2013) 89-107.
N. Iqbal, G. Mustafa, P. A .Lieberzeit “Mass sensitive multi-sensor platform for receptor screening and quantification purposes”, J. Chinese Adv. Mater. Soc. 1 (2013) 200-209.
M. Hussain, N. Iqbal, P. A. Lieberzeit “Bulk-imprinted Polymer Thin Films and Nanoparticles for Mass-Sensitive Detection of Folic Acid and some of its Metabolites” Sens. Actuators B 176 (2013) 1090-1095.
P. A. Lieberzeit, R. Samardzic, K. Kotova, M. Hussain ”MIP sensors on the way to biotech application: selectivity and ruggedness” Procedia Eng. 47 (2012) 534-537.
S. Z. Bajwa, G. Mustafa, R. Samardzic, T. Wangchareansak, P. A. Lieberzeit “Nanostructured materials with biomimetic recognition abilities for chemical Sensing” Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7 (2012) 328.
P. A. Lieberzeit, A. Findeisen, J. Mähner, R. Samardzic, J. Pitkänen, O. Anttalainen, F. L. Dickert “Artificial receptor layers for detecting chemical and biological agent mimics” Sens. Actuators B 170 (2012) 196-200.
G. Mustafa, P. A. Lieberzeit “MIP Sensors on the Way to Real-World Applications” In “Designing Receptors for the Next Generation of Biosensors” Eds. S. A. Piletsky, M. Whitcombe, Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors 12 (Series Editor: G. Urban) (2012) 167-188.
N. Iqbal, P. A. Lieberzeit “Artificial Receptors for Mass-Sensitive Sensors: Targeting Analytes from Surfaces, Nanoparticles, and Bioanalytes by Molecular Imprinting” in „Molecularly Imprinted Sensors – Overview and Applications“, Eds. S. Li, S. Piletsky and J. Lunec, Elsevier B.V. (2012) 195-236.
G. Mustafa, M. Hussain, N. Iqbal, F. L. Dickert, P. A. Lieberzeit “QCM Sensors based on Affinity Interactions between Organic Thiols and Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoparticles” Sens. Actuators B 162 (2012) 63-67.
T. Wangchareansak, C. Sangma, K. Choowongkomon, F. Dickert, P. Lieberzeit “Surface molecular imprints of WGA lectin as artificial receptors for mass-sensitive binding studies” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 400 (2011) 2499-2506.
U. Latif, A. Mujahid, A. Afzal, R. Sikorski, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Dual and tetraelectrode QCMs using imprinted polymers as receptors for ions and neutral analytes” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 400 (2011) 2507-2515.
P. A. Lieberzeit, S. Bajwa, G. Mustafa, T. Wangchareansak, F. L. Dickert „From metal ions to biospecies: template-assisted synthesis as a strategy to generate artificial receptor materials” Adv. Mater. Lett. 2 (2011) 319-321.
U. Latif, A. Rohrer, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert „QCM gas phase detection with ceramic materials—VOCs and oil vapors” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 400 (2011) 2457-2462.
A. Mujahid, M. Keppler, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “From mono- to polytopic interactions via hydrogen bonds - Capacitive sensor studies” Mat. Sci. Eng. C 31 (2011) 553-557.
P. A. Lieberzeit, A. Findeisen, J. Mähner, R. Samardzic, J. Pitkänen, O. Anttalainen, F. L. Dickert “Artificial receptor layers for detecting chemical and biological threats” Procedia Eng. 5 (2010) 381-384.
A. Mujahid, A. Afzal, G. Glanznig, A. Leidl, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Imprinted sol-gel materials for monitoring degradation products in automotive oils by shear transverse wave” Anal. Chim. Acta 675 (2010) 53-57.
N. Iqbal, G. Mustafa, A. Rehman, A. Biedermann, B. Najafi, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “QCM-Arrays for sensing terpenes in fresh and dried herbs via bio-mimetic MIP layers” Sensors 10 (2010) 6361-6376.
R. Schirhagl, D. Podlipna, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Comparing biomimetic and biological receptors for insulin sensing” Chem. Comm. 46 (2010) 3128-3130.
A. Mujahid, H. Stathopoulos, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Solvent vapour detection with cholesteric liquid crystals-optical and mass-sensitive evaluation of the sensor mechanism” Sensors 10 (2010) 4887-4897.
R. Schirhagl, A. Seifner, F. T. Husain, M. Cichna-Markl, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Antibodies and their Replicae in Microfluidic Sensor Systems - Labelfree Quality Assessment in Food Chemistry and Medicine” Sensor Lett. 8 (2010) 399-404.
R. Schirhagl, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert Chemosensors for Viruses Based on Artificial Immunoglobulin Copies” Adv. Mater. 22 (2010) 2078-2081.
G. Birnbaumer, P. A. Lieberzeit, L. Richter, R. Schirhagl, M. Milnera, F. L. Dickert, A. Bailey, P. Ertl “Detection of Viruses with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Integrated on a Microfluidic Biochip using Contact-less Dielectric Microsensors.” Lab Chip 9 (2009) 3549-3556.
P. A. Lieberzeit, C. Palfinger, F. L. Dickert, G. Fischerauer “SAW RFID-Tags for Mass-sensitive Detection of Humidity and Vapors”
R. Schirhagl, D. Podlipna, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Nanopatterned polymers for bioanalyte sensing” Sensors 9 (2009) 8146-8157.
K. Seidler, M. Polreichova, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Biomimetic Yeast Cell Typing – Application of QCMs” Sensors 9 (2009) 8146-8157.
A. Seifner, P. Lieberzeit, C. Jungbauer, F. L. Dickert “Synthetic Receptors for Selectively detecting ABO Subgroups“ Anal. Chim. Acta 651 (2009) 215-219.
M. Jenik, R. Schirhagl, C. Schirk, O. Hayden, P. Lieberzeit, D. Blaas, G. Paul, F. L. Dickert “Sensing Picornaviruses Using Molecular Imprinting Techniques on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance” Anal. Chem. 81 (2009) 5320-5326.
M. Jenik, A. Seifner, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert „Pollen-imprinted polyurethanes for QCM allergen sensors“ Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 394 (2009) 523-528.
A. Rehman, N. Iqbal, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Multisensor biomimetic systems with fully artificial recognition strategies in food analysis”
P. A. Lieberzeit, A. Rehman, N. Iqbal, B. Najafi, F. L. Dickert “QCM Sensor Array for Monitoring Terpene Emissions from Odoriferous Plants” Monatsh. Chem. 140 (2009) 947-952.
M. Jenik, A. Seifner, S. Krassnig, K. Seidler, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert, C. Jungbauer “Sensors for Bioanalytes by Imprinting – Polymers Mimicking both Biological Receptors and the Corresponding Bioparticles” Biosens. Bioelectron. 25 (2009) 9-14.
K. Seidler, P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Application of yeast imprinting in biotechnology and process control” Analyst 134 (2009) 361-366.
P. A. Lieberzeit, F. L. Dickert “Chemosensors in Environmental Monitoring: Challenges in Ruggedness and Selectivity” (invited Trends Article) Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 393 (2009) 467-472.
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