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M. Cichna-Markl, R. Stidl, T. Hrebicek, R. Braunrath, D. Podlipna, Z. Brenn-Struckhofova, S. Padlesak, K. Schöringhumer. Selective extraction with biomolecules entrapped by the sol-gel method. Eighth International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques 2006, York, UK (February 6th-8th)

E. Razzazi-Fazeli, M. Cichna-Markl, C. Böhm, Z. Brenn-Struckhofova. Neue Ansätze in der immunanalytischen Probenvorbereitung von DON. 28th Mycotoxin-Workshop 2006, Bydgoszcz, Poland (May 29th.-31rst )

E. Razzazi-Fazeli, M. Cichna-Markl, C. Böhm, E. Reiter, Z. Brenn-Struckhofova, G. Sontag. Probenvorbereitung in der Analyse von Mykotoxinen. Die Alternativen zu Einweg-Immunaffinitätssäulen. Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2006, Wien, Österreich (12.-14. September)

Heidi Schwartz: Determination of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and plant sterols in Finnish vegetable oils and industrial fats. 2nd Full Network Meeting of the EuroFIR Project 2006, Nantes, France, September 21rs-24th)

Heidi Schwartz and Gerhard Sontag. Determination of some lignans in plant foods by high performance liquid chromatography and coulometric electrode array detection. 12th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Lipica, Slovenia, September 27th-29th 2006,

Z. Brenn-Struckhofova, M. Cichna-Markl, C. Böhm, E. Razzazi-Fazeli. Selektive Probenvorbereitung mit Sol-Gel-Immunaffinitätssäulchen zur Bestimmung von Deoxynivalenol. 10. Mold Meeting 2006, Linz, Österreich (23.-24. November)

Heidi Schwartz and Gerhard Sontag Analysis of isoflavones in foods and dietary supplements: Comparison of sample preparation methods. 12th Austrian Chemical days 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria (10.-13. September)

G. Sontag: Review on isoflavones. COST 926 Meeting, Siena, Italy  2007 (April 22nd -24th)

G. Sontag, H. Schwartz: Determination of phenolic compounds in plant foods by high performance liquid chromatography with coulometric array detection,
Vitamins 2007, Prag (September 19th -22nd) Czech Republic

G. Sontag: Analytical and compositional aspects of isoflavones in food and their biological effects, COST 926 Meeting 2007, Marseille (October 22nd - 24th) France

Institut für Analytische Chemie
Universität Wien

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