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Protein characterization and Glycosylation analysis

Purification and characterization of tyrosinase from walnut leaves (juglans regia)
Florime Zekiri, Christian Molitor, Stephan G. Mauracher, Claudia Michael, Rupert L. Mayer, Christopher Gerner, Annette Rompel
Phytochemistry 101 (2014) 5-15

High level protein-purification allows the unambiguous polypeptide determination of latent isoform PPO4 of mushroom tyrosinase
Stephan G. Mauracher, Christian Molitor, Claudia Michael, Martin Kragl, Andreas Rizzi, Annette Rompel
Phytochemistry, 99, 2014, 14-25.

Relative quantitation of glycosylation variants by stable isotope labeling of enzymatically released N-glycans using [12C]/[13C] aniline and ZIC-HILIC-ESI-TOF-MS
Estela Giménez , Victòria Sanz-Nebot, Andreas Rizzi
Anal Bioanal Chem (2013) 405:7307–7319
DOI 10.1007/s00216-013-7178-5

Separation and identification of glycoforms by capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection
A. D. Zamfir, C. Flangea, A. Serb, A.-M. Zagrean, A. M. Rizzi and E. Sisu
in “Mass Spectrometry of Glycoproteins”  (J. Kohler and S. Patrie Eds.),
Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Vol. 951,  p 145-169 , Humana Press, USA, 2013.

Glycosylation analysis of proteins, proteoglycans and glycolipids using Capillary Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry;
A. D. Zamfir, C. Flangea,   F. Altmann, and A. M. Rizzi
Advances in Chromatography, Vol 49 (E.Grushka, N.Grinberg, Eds.), Chpt. 4, p 135-194, CRC-Press, Boca Raton, 2011

High performance separation techniques hyphenated to mass spectrometry for ganglioside analysis
E. Sisu, C. Flangea, A. Serb, A. Rizzi, A.D. Zamfir 
Electrophoresis (2011) 32, 1591-1609.

Confirmation of immuno-reactivity of the recombinant major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1a by affinity-CIEF.  
V. Dullnig, R. Weiss, S. Amon, A. Rizzi, H. Stutz  
Electrophoresis  (2009),  30(13),  2337-2346. 

Analysis of lysine clipping of a humanized Lewis-Y specific IgG antibody and its relation to Fc-mediated effector function.  
B. Antes, S. Amon, A. Rizzi, S. Wiederkum, M. Kainer, O. Szolar, M. Fido, R. Kircheis, A. Nechansky
Journal of Chromatography, B   852(1-2) (2007) 250-256. 

The P-glycoprotein substrate binding domains are located in the transmembrane domain: transmembrane domain interfaces – A combined photoaffinity labelling-protein homology modelling approach
K.Pleban, S.Kopp, E.Csaszar, M.Peer, T.Hrebicek, A.Rizzi, G.F.Ecker, P.Chiba
Mol. Pharmacol. 67 (2005) 365-374

Determination of the site-specific and isoform-specific glycosylation in human plasma derived antithrombin by isoelectric focusing and capillary HPLC-ESI- tandem mass spectrometry
A.Plematl, U.M.Demelbauer, Dj. Josic,  A.Rizzi
Proteomics (2005) 4025 - 4033

On the variation of glycosylation in human plasma derived antithrombin
U.M.Demelbauer, A.Plematl, Dj. Josic,  G.Allmaier, A.Rizzi
J. Chromatogr. A  1080 (2005) 15-21

Characterization of cysteinylation of pharmaceutical-grade human serum albumin by ESI-MS and low-energy collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry
M. Kleinova, O.Belgacem, K.Pock, A.Rizzi, A.Buchacher, G.Allmaier
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19 (2005) 2965-2973

Characterization of covalently inhibited extracellular lipase from Streptomyces rimosus by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole ion trap reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Localization of the active site serine.  
M.Zehl, I.Leščić, M.Abramić, A.Rizzi, B.Kojić-Prodić, G.Allmaier
J. Mass Spectrom. 39 (2004) 1474-1483

Exact molecular mass determination of various forms of native and de-N-glycosylated human plasma-derived antithrombin by means of ESI-IT-MS
M. Kleinova, A.Buchacher, A.Heger, K.Pock, A.Rizzi and G.Allmaier
J . Mass Spectrom. 39 (2004) 1429-1436

Characterization of Antithrombin III from human plasma by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoretic methods.
L.Kremser, A.Brückner, A.Heger, T.Grunert, A.Buchacher, Dj.Josic, G.Allmaier and A.Rizzi
Electrophoresis 24 (2003) 4282-4290.

Molecular mass determination of plasma-derived glycoproteins by ultraviolet matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with internal calibration
O.Belgacem, A.Buchacher, K.Pock, Dj.Josic, C. Sutton, A.Rizzi, G.Allmaier
J. Mass Spectrom. 37 (2002) 1118-1130.

Characterization of clotting factor IX in plasma derived preparations by electrophoretic techniques.
K.Pock, A. Buchacher, A.Rizzi, G.Allmaier, and Dj.Josic
J.Chromatogr. A, 921 (2001) 57-67.

Use of high-resolution techniques for the characterization of clotting factor VIII.
K.Pock, A.Rizzi, Dj.Josic
J.Chromatogr. A, 852 (1999) 175-188.

Comparison of microscale cleaning procedures for (Glyco) proteins prior to positive ion matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry
K.Linnemayr, A.Rizzi, Dj.Josic and G.Allmaier
Anal.Chim.Acta 372 (1998) 187-199.


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