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Poster price awarded to Elisabeth Holzweber

Elisabeth Holzweber received a poster price (2nd place) at the 13th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 27.6.-7.7.2013, Debrecen, Hungary, for the poster

E. Holzweber, A. Raab, M. Spitzwieser, V. Fackler, N. Bayer, G. Pfeiler, M. Cichna-Markl. Comparison of the DNA Methylation Status of Tumor, Adjacent and Surrounding Normal Tissue of Breast Cancer Patients.



real-time PCR method for white mustard included in the “Official Collection of Methods of Analysis”

The real-time PCR assay for the detection of potentially allergenic white mustard, developed by Magdalena Fuchs as part of her doctoral thesis in co-operation with Rupert Hochegger (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Institute for Food Safety, Department of Molecularbiology and Microbiology)), has recently been tested in a large ring trial. Subsequently, the real-time PCR assay has been included in the “Official Collection of Methods of Analysis” published by the “Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety“ in Germany.


Peter B. Czedik-Eysenberg price 2012 awarded to Magdalena Fuchs

Magdalena Fuchs received the Peter B. Czedik-Eysenberg price 2012, awarded by the working party “Food Chemistry, Cosmetics and Commodities” of the Austrian Chemical Society, for the paper

M. Fuchs, M. Cichna-Markl, R. Hochegger. Development and validation of a real-time PCR method for the detection of white mustard (Sinapis alba) in foods. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58 (2010) 11193–11200


Institut für Analytische Chemie
Universität Wien

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