Proteomics and glycoproteomics of stressed cells
Quantitative Proteome Analysis and knowledge-based data interpretation
Glycosylation analysis in the context of cell stress/cell activation
Bioanalytical approaches for cytokine fingerprinting
Characterization of protein-isoforms and glycoprotein microheterogeneity
In detail characterization of isolated proteins and recombinant proteins used as therapeutic drugs
Protein integrity, sequence control, determination of posttranslational modifications of isoforms, targeted glycosylation analysis
Multistage Mass Spectrometr
ESI and MALDI-Mass spectrometry of oligosaccharidesESI-MS analysis of intact proteins/glycoproteinsIonic-Liquid Matrices for MALDI-MSIsotope-Coding
CE-MS Interfacing
Hyphenation of CZE and CIEF to ESI-MS and MALDI-MS
Shape selective HPLC for oligosaccharides using HILIC and PGC stationary phases
Chiral separations by capillary electrophoresis
Chiral Isoelectric focusing - Selectivity effects in capillary electrophoresis - Temperature effects in chiral CE
University of Vienna
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1010 Vienna
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